REBLOG: Short and Sweet Advice for Writers: Read!! (Here’s Why)

I’ve heard numerous times, to become a better writer, you must be a consistent reader. This is truth! Here’s a post that expounded on this concept.

Live to Write - Write to Live

pin confuscius readIt’s not like anyone ever has to twist my arm to get me to read. In fact, left to my own devices, I’d probably spend at least a few hours each day with my nose in a book. However, Real Life doesn’t always easily accommodate large blocks of reading time. There is almost always something more pressing that needs doing – something that seems more important – and so reading can fall off the radar.

But, reading is critical for writers. Mandatory. Non-negotiable.

You’ve heard the advice a million times: If you want to write, read. It makes sense, you suppose; but have you ever wondered why it makes sense – why reading is such an important part of becoming a writer?

When you read, it’s like taking an immersion class in the language of story and literature. And like any immersion class, the more you expose yourself to that…

View original post 346 more words

The Real Issue with Beyonce’s Super Bowl Performance


It’s Black History Month and I wanted to dedicate posts to black people of the past, who made a difference in American lives: Frederick Douglass, Daniel Hale Williams, Dorothy Dandridge, Sojourner Truth, etc. However, the backlash Beyonce received for her Super Bowl performance has rubbed me in a way that I must speak on it.

I’ve been reluctant to write post about #blacklivesmatters only because people believe what they want to believe regardless of the truth.

I’ve been reluctant to write post about #blacklivesmatters only because people believe what they want to believe regardless of the truth. And, if we are honest, anytime a black person attempts to defend themselves, somehow people who do not understand and/or refuse to understand are offended.  I live in a country where my skin speaks for me as soon as I walk in a room. And therefore, I must subconsciously prove that I am not the negative picture America portrays black people to be. You know, an uneducated black single mom cheating the system of welfare. I’m hesitant to use that example due to the harsh criticism black females receive when they are a single mom on welfare, as if they are the only ethnicity who fits this description, which they are not, by the way.

To digress, Beyoncé’s performance at the Super Bowl Halftime show was entertaining. I am proud of her for using her voice and speaking out about what’s going on in the Black community. As always, someone misinterpreted the message.

Her performance and the video Formation were meant to pay homage to the struggles Blacks have endured for years. It was, in all, a tribute to Black History Month and the present state of the Black community.

For one, her performance and the video Formation were meant to pay homage to the struggles Blacks have endured for years. It was, in all, a tribute to Black History Month and the present state of the Black community. How was it twisted into an anti-police statement? I was actually surprised when I heard that. Go figure since nothing should be of surprise these days.

you missed the message if you believe this was police slander.

Yet, you missed the message if you believe this was police slander. Yes, she has a police car sinking in the water; have you already forgotten about Hurricane Katrina?

Yes, Mayor Rudy Giuliani politics and race should not be mixed with American football, but is only acceptable if you are degrading Cam Newton the Carolina Panther’s Quarterback for nothing other than…being black. That was sarcasm by the way.

Yes, Mayor Rudy Giuliani politics and race should not be mixed with American football, but is only acceptable if you are degrading Cam Newton the Carolina Panther’s Quarterback for nothing other than…being black. That was sarcasm by the way.

there is a group of white people, not all of course, but there is a group. I believe this group doesn’t have many black friends

I’ve noticed there is a group of white people, not all of course, but there is a group. I believe this group doesn’t have many black friends. I’m sorry the token black friend or that one black coworker that you talk to at work every day doesn’t count. I’m talking about a black friend that you know on a deeper, personal level. You know each other’s extended family, you go to each other’s family outings, you have nicknames for one another, and you’ve had heart to heart conversations to know them beyond the outside shell. I believe it is this group of people with no black friends, who are offended when a production is put on with an all-black cast (The Wiz Live). They cry reverse racism because for one night on primetime television white people weren’t included. Never mind all the countless times it is an all-white ensemble cast, because that is always acceptable. Just like the all-white Oscars nominees because it is both okay and common that no other ethnicity was talented enough. We’ve grown accustomed to it, so why question it, right?

These are the people who shout ALL LIVES MATTER missing the key message that #blacklivesmatter is merely proclaiming that we matter too.

These are the people who shout ALL LIVES MATTER missing the key message that #blacklivesmatter is merely proclaiming that we matter too. However, once again the message was ignorantly twisted to the belief of Black superiority. These are the people who get offended when black history is mentioned; they shout, “get over it, that’s a thing of the past” or that we’re only perpetuating racism by mentioning the racist acts. Oh, the one that I hear the most is that racism ended years ago and the things happening today are just coincidences. All these black men being killed by the police are coincidences? Never mind that when a young black man commits a crime he is thug, but when a young white man of the same age commits a crime, he has a broken home or some type of mental instability.

 The fact of the matter is the only thing wrong with blacks speaking openly about racism is that with new advancements in video recordings, you can no longer deny it is happening. So now, you must justify it with “he was a thug, or she shouldn’t have been mouthing off as if a few harsh words should be punishable by death.

 The real truth: you want blacks to stop mentioning racism because it makes YOU uncomfortable.

The real truth: you want blacks to stop mentioning racism because it makes YOU uncomfortable. You detested Beyonce’s video because it made YOU uncomfortable. You had an issue with her performance paying homage to black struggles because it made YOU uncomfortable. And, that my friend is white superiority. To believe, anything that makes YOU uncomfortable must change. Never mind that other ethnicities have been uncomfortable for years. Beyonce’s performance is being deemed inappropriate and an attack on the police, because a group of people missed the message; the group that always misses the true message. Not because they cannot possibly fathom it, but because they do not nor desire to understand anything that has nothing to do with them.

So, what’s your take on the Beyoncé’s half time performance? Do you agree that it was taken out of context? Do you side with the mayor that it was inappropriate?

Living in the moment,




FACEBOOK : Ebby Lane

TWITTER: Ebby_lane

KISS & TELL: Longing For the Love of a Boy

This is a post a dear friend wrote for my blog last year. I absolutely love her love story and had to reblog in celebration of Valentine’s day coming up. Enjoy!

Ebby's Lane

Longing For the Love of a boy: My Love Story

By Guest Blogger, Jordan Flowers

As a young girl, teenager and early 20 year old woman, I prayed to God to send me a boy that would love me… all I wanted was to be loved by a boy!!!

Six years ago, I became a single mom of a baby boy, Caleb. God answered my prayers! Caleb instantly became the love of my life. I swore I would be a one child household and that the man of my dreams would already have kids because I was done. They say if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plan.  Let’s just say, he was crying from laughing so hard.

Fast-forward to life today… I am happily married, my son is six years old, I have an angel baby in heaven and a 5 month old son! My, how…

View original post 588 more words

REBLOG: Why Are We Celebrating This?

Here is a great video on the reason we celebrate Black History Month. Dr. Carter G. Woodson founded the month that was once just a week, “A visionary who believed history should be used as a source of motivation and a weapon against misinformation…”
Thank you, itsjazzysworld for sharing this!

It's Jazzy's World

Before I get too deep into February I just wanted to give you a brief history of black history month. I attend an HBCU and Black History Month is really highlighted here in almost every class. My teacher, a very eclectic, one-of-a-kind lady showed us this video in our Creative Writing Class.  I learned things I had never known and actually understood how Black History Month came to be. Hope you take a moment to watch this video and get a deeper understanding of Black History Month.


Before I get too deep into February I just wanted to give you a brief history of black history month. I attend an HBCU and Black History Month is really highlighted here in almost every class. My teacher, a very eclectic, one-of-a-kind lady showed us this video in our Creative Writing Class.  I learned things I had never known and actually understood…

View original post 25 more words

The Versatile Blogger Award

I am beyond excited right now! I was nominated by two beautiful bloggers Gina’s Blog and ToksDavid for the Versatile Blogger Award. Thank you, Ladies!!!! Both of these blogs I thoroughly enjoy! They both exhibit amazing writing and post! Please go check them out!

The Rules
A) Thank the person that has nominated you & include a link to their blog.
B) Nominate at least 15 blogs of your choice.
C) Link your nominees and let them know of your nomination.
D) Share seven different facts about yourself.

My Nominees: I’m nominating 5 for now due to time restraints.






Now here’s the hard part, sharing facts about myself, go figure.


  1. I have about six novels in my head that I’m yet to get on paper. I’m working on it though.
  2. My favorite author, and I just recently stumbled upon her is Chimamanda Adiche
  3. I love Star Wars
  4. One of  my favorite T.V. Shows is Reign
  5. I am obsessed with making a list for everything.
  6. I have kept all of my dairies/journals since I was 8. Its pretty interesting reading the thoughts of eight year old me.
  7. My favorite color is yellow, but I like to decorate with red and I prefer wearing the colors blue and green. I guess, I’m slightly confused.

Thanks again ladies for the nomination! I truly, truly appreciate it!!!


Living in the Moment, Ebby Lane ♥




FACEBOOK : Ebby Lane

TWITTER: Ebby_lane

KISS & TELL: Dear Husband

Dear Husband,

I am slightly hesitant to write this open letter because our marriage is sacred to me. Yet, at times, I wish a camera could briefly hone in on our real life fairytale. Not for show, but for inspiration and proof that love can be pure, love can be fun, and love can be genuine.

Dear husband, I remember the very first email you sent me. It was simple, yet sweet; sweet enough for me to wonder immediately after reading, if you would be my last first date.

Dear husband, you get on my nerves sometimes and at times, I want to punch you in the face, but more than anything I just want to make up with you because I hate it deeply when we fight.

Dear husband, I’m aware I get on your nerves too  and you probably want to say some pretty mean things to me in those moments. I’m so thankful that you never do.

Dear husband, I am sorry about how mean I was to you the other day and still, you brought me back my favorite candy when you went to the store. Now, that’s love. : )

Dear husband, I love how incredible of a father you are. I always knew you would be, but to see you interact with our son is the most priceless gift.


Dear husband, thank you for filling our home with laughter and laughing at my corny jokes.

Dear husband, thank you for letting me be my goofy, awkward self which I’ve never been quite comfortable showing anybody else.

goofy 2

Dear husband, thank you for breaking out in dance for no reason, especially when there’s no music.

Dear husband, I love to see you fixing things around the house. It is the sexiest thing in the world to see you exit the attic dirtied with sawdust, and particle board.

Dear husband, thank you for making me feel safe: spiritually, emotionally, and financially.

Dear husband, I look forward to growing old with you, watching you live out your dreams, and checking off our bucket list together.

Dear husband, I am proud and I absolutely enjoy being YOUR wife

Dear husband, I hope when you read this that it will make you smile. : )

Dear husband, I love you more than I did yesterday and I hope to love you more tomorrow, than I do today.

wedding pic


Your best friend and partner in crime,

Your wife



FACEBOOK : Ebby Lane

TWITTER: Ebby_lane

It’s February: This Month on Ebby’s Lane

It’s February: What to Expect on Ebby’s Lane.

February is the month of love and one of my favorite subjects to study, Black History Month. You can expect post on dating and marriage (Kiss and Tell series), as well as Black history and culture (Do you know me series). I’m hoping to have some interesting Guest post for you as well! With that said, if you’re interested in being a guest blogger comment below and email @ with subject Guest Blogger Interests. Also, expect more creative writings tips & quotes. 


Living in the Moment,

Ebby Lane ♥



March Series –International Women’s Month (Seeking guest bloggers of diverse culture to write a post about their life & culture.)

April – Creative Writing & Author spotlight ( Seeking Guest bloggers with tips on writing and seeking authors I can interview.

Blogger Recognition Award

I’m giddy right now. : ) I was nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award by “” a blog geared toward creating a community where women of all ages, backgrounds, experiences can connect and encourage one another. Thank you for the nomination! I am so thankful we were able to connect over the blogosphere. I wish you continued success as you build your cafe. : )

Here are the rules:

Rule 1: Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.

Rule 2: Provide a link to the award creator.

Rule 3: Attach the award to your post.

Rule 4: Nominate fifteen other bloggers, excluding yourself and the person who nominated you.

Rule 5: Write a brief story of how you started your blog.

Rule 6: A piece or two of advice to new bloggers.

Rule 7: Comment on the blogs you have named here to let them know you have nominated them.

How it began:

I was supposed to create a blog years ago, but allowed fear and uncertainty to delay. Last January I finally wrote my first post, published it. However, I told no one and since no one knew about it, nobody read it. September came along with a strong urge to write a dating post. I wrote it, posted it to my Facebook page and the rest is history.

Advice to New Bloggers:

My advice to new bloggers is you get back what you put out. If you want others to appreciate your work, you must appreciate the work of others. Write about what you are passionate about and do not be afraid to be true to your own unique voice.

I’ve had the opportunity to meet many incredible bloggers on here.


Destiny @ destinyunveiled

Amra @ perfectthedays


Charmaine @ Organized Lunacy 

Anthony @ livingthedream

Shaina @

Ada @ Gina’sblog

Meagan @ Therevelment

Michelle @ hisgraceprevails

Jess @ jessismore

Jordan @ fitbyjordan.

Ameena @ randomsbyarandom

The Weaver @ theweaver

Rolerrol @ kingspeech

Monique @ moniquesrice

All of these bloggers are diverse and unique and bring something extra special to the blogging word!

Thanks again!

According to Gina, The Blogger Recognition Award was founded by Eve Estells, Edge of the Night author. “This lady created this award so that she could help bloggers connect with each other and help each other.” Ada @ Gina’sblog


Living in the Moment,

Ebby Lane ♥



FACEBOOK : Ebby Lane

TWITTER: Ebby_lane

Neglect Not Today

I wrote this post for "The Journey Unveiled" blog in 2012. And wow, has my life changed since then! Everything I was waiting for when I wrote this has come to fruition. Yet, the post still resonates with me even today.

Neglect Not Today

by Ebby Lane

My stomach curled in knots when Destiny asked me to blog about something I’m learning in my journey. My mind went all over the place because there is just so much. Should I write about struggles I’ve endured lately, since I have received wisdom about keeping certain things sacred? Or maybe I should write about how God is pushing me to take more chances and not be driven by possible failure (failure is a state my mind). Ugg, the endless possibilities. However, all of these lessons are gradually changing my attitude toward life…

..the most weighted one is God teaching me to NOT NEGLECT TODAY

I’ll be 27 this year, I can choose to dwell on the empty ring finger that WAS NOT apart of my five year plan, the nest that is still empty, my wall that is bare of the degree I was supposed to obtain three years ago OR I can choose today.

My point is why waste today depressed over something that hasn’t happened, YET?

Also, I’m a master of the five year plan every year lol. I’m obsessed with knowing what is going to happen next and usually I’m right on, but lately, I can’t see very far into my future. I’ve been hit with so many curve balls that I’ve actually stopped trying to figure it all out, which I believe was God’s plan all along. He is teaching me to trust Him with the unknown. “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but what is unseen” (2 Corinthians 4:18). That’s a difficult thing for me.

Nonetheless, everyone has something to be thankful for RIGHT NOW.

When I forget that, I remind myself to reflect on the prayers that God has already answered and keep in mind that six months ago I was not where I am today. In fact, I was praying to be here… if that makes sense.

I know,

living for today is easier said than done but it’s not about perfection here.


May we strive to unveil the beauty in between the reflections of yesterday and the dream come trues of tomorrow.


Living in the moment,

Ebby Lane ♥

Check out more inspirational post:



FACEBOOK : Ebby Lane

TWITTER: Ebby_lane